So you want to cut your plastic in your food. Well the trick is to buy loose, unpackaged products and take your own bags, boxes and wrappings. Easy peasy. Well maybe! Finding loose food and people prepared to use your own packaging can be a challenge but it can be done. Eating fresh is fairly easy it gets more tricky when you want dried pasta or rice. But I can proudly say we got almost everything covered. Visit the links for more details.

- Tap water in the U.K. & Abroad
- Bottled Water – some facts and greener options
- How to sterilise water
- Refill schemes
- AND Other watery stuff
- Go to the water index to see all posts on water
Carbonated Water, Fizzy Drinks & Sodas
Fizzy drinks / sodas How to make your own pop and mixers
Always trouble with alcohol but here are your best plastic free options

Hot Drinks
- Plastic Free Tea Bags Yup. The actual bag that you thought was paper, does in fact contain plastic. Read more HERE.
- There are plastic free teabags. You can find then here
- Loose tea – buy far the best option. buy some here
- How to make plastic-free tea – it’s all in the tea balls.
- Fresh Coffe – grind your own In store and online. Or buy ready ground in compostable packaging from the supermarket. Read More HERE!
- Instant coffee here
- Coffee single-cup brewing system – compostable pods
Cocoa & Chocolate HERE
Milk delivered in glass
Bakery, Buns & Biscuits
Beans & Pulses dried that is. For fresh see fruit and veg.
Deli Counter
Dried fruit & Nuts
Fast food
Frozen Food
Fruit and Veg a guide to buying, picking and growing.
Herbs, spices, salt & peper
Oils & Spreads
Meat & Fish
Sweets, Snacks and Nibbles
Bags & Packaging
Shopping plastic free means taking your OWN PACKAGING. Check out the plastic-free shopping kit here.
Local Shops
Try your local shops first. One of the joys of living plastic free is mooching round the local shops seeing what you can source. You might be suprised. Asian Supermarkets and Polish Delis are particularly good.
And of course you are putting back into and improving your own community. Read more HERE
Supermarkets & Chainstores
Because sometimes we have to shop there and yes you can get plastic free and zero waste stuff. Read up about them plus eating for a week, plastic-free, only from supermarkets a case study.
Loose Food A to Z
Find out if a shop near you sells bulk food loose. This is stuff that that normally comes plastic packaged ie rice, pasta and salt. And yes these shops do exist in the U.K. There’s just not many of them.
Heres a list of towns with shops selling loose food.
This is an interesting option that allows you to buy basic foods on line plastic free.
You can even use your own produce bags. Read more
Food Related
The three levels of plastic free food
By Recipe
How to cook plastic free The Cookbook

Lines changes, products get removed. For more information why not ask the Plastic Is Rubbish FB group for updates. They are a great source of tidbits, personal experience and the latest news. Why not join them and share the plastic free love x

And before you go…
If you have found the #plasticfree information useful, please consider supporting us. It all goes to financing the project (read more here) or