Want to live plastic free…. or at least massively reduce your plastic footprint? Here are a whole load of plastic free products and lifestyle tips, as sourced and used by us as part of our plastic boycott. While we are happy to try out new products if sent to us, we work for no one and say only what we believe to be true.
- Start here with some superfast ways to cut your plastic trash
- Watch out for Sneaky Plastics – in places you might not have known about.
Please Note…
Since I started the blog in 2006, the range of plastic free products available has skyrocketed and online shopping is well established. Facebook and Twitter can convey information far more quickly.
And so any of these posts will be out of date. Updating them is time-consuming and given the rate of change hardly worth it. Many of the products it took me so long to source can now easily be found in a variety of places online. I’m leaving them up as a record of availability but do your own research.
Products By Category
The easiest way to find a #plasticfree alternative in our huge database of products is to use the search function (#grandmothersuckeggs!).

Bags & Packaging
Buy loose/unpackaged and take your own reusable, refillable or compostable packaging. Source them HERE
Cleaning Up
It’s boring but it has to be done. How to keep your house sparkling and your laundry fresh with this guide to plastic free Cleaning up.
Disposables & Reusables & Refills
Welcome to the wonderful world of reusables delve into refills and when push comes to shove, be directed towards disposables.

Food & Drink
- Food and Drink From alcohol to zucchinis, supermarkets to making this is your guide to eating and drinking plastic free. Find it all listed here, by category
- Find a refill shop near you. WORKING POST
- Supermarkets & Chainstores Yes you can get plastic free and zero waste stuff. Read up HERE.
- Online; It is possible to buy food online in compostable packaging in a cardboard box. Read more here
- Milk delivered in reusable refillable glass bottles HERE
Related Topics
Bags & Packaging – how to get your loose foods homes
How to start The three levels of plastic free food
Cookbook – how to cook!

General & Homemade
General & Home Made
General stuff that multitasks or is difficult to categorise
Homemade sometimes if you want plastic free you just got to make it!
- Home and house related can be found by searching individual items
- Garden – you can come and hang out in our virtual potting shed – see the garden index
- or have a go atcomposting.
- Office Index – need a plastic free rubber? Give us a try!

How To
Want to know how to wash up plastic free? Can’t be bothered looking through the A-Z index?Check out these work sheets.
- Kids
- Pets animals & pets Index
- Make It Yourself – Find out how, HERE
- D.I.Y
- Composting – it’s the future of rubbish
- Travel and how we travel the world plastic free.

Personal Care & Wardrobe
Personal Care & Wardrobe
- Wardrobe Index
- Personal Care Products Index
Shops & Shopping
- Index here
- Why local shops and, if you have to, which supermarket.
- Refill shops Find one near you.
- Great online shops that sell plastic free products and send them out in plasticless packages.

Special Days & Parties
Special Days & Parties
- For a plastic free Halloween, Christmas and other Special Days
- Birthdays / Mothers / chocolates and flowers kind of day
- Wrapping, sticky tape and cards
- Go to the Index
Useful To Know
- Information about science, green issues and other related subjects that impact on the plastic debate can be found at Useful to know
- Links, People & Organisations
lines changes, products get removed. For more information why not ask the Plastic Is Rubbish FB group for updates. They are a great source of tidbits, personal experience and the latest news. Why not join them and share the plastic free love x