U.K. based plastic free refuseniks. Very useful blogs, passionate people and great resources.
In the UK, living plastic free is a very ad hoc kind of process. While other countries may have bulk buy chain stores where you buy your basic staples loose, in the UK this is not the case. Instead we have to scurry around sourcing some plastic free rice from Khadims and tracking down a local bakers, some of us might be lucky enough to still have a market and maybe a washing up liquid refill site but it is by no means guaranteed. Generally speaking, recommendations for a plastic free lifestyle in the U.K. tend to be site specific. While I might have sourced olive oil refills in Todmorden that’s no use to folks in Lincoln.
So the more people prepared to write about and share their experiences of living #plasticfree in their own town the better. The plastic free U.K. directory was created to promote this information.
It’s easy to submit a piece. Write about your plastic free finds in a post and I will publish your entry in the directory, credited (of course), with whatever links you choose to share.
If you blog, you can write an introduction to your website. Job done.
Others that I know Of
Allotment Recipes.
Have a look at this very good blog based in the Leighton buzzard area www.allotmentrecipes.wordpress.com
“The second school of thought is not just Zero-waste to landfill, but Zero waste at all.” Well said and this means of course going plastic-trash free. Follow her on her year with out plastic, with kids! Yikes!
If you know of any that should be on the list please add the details in the comments section. Or submit an entry for the directory.
Find links to other bloggers in other countries here.
Campaigns, Projects & Social Media
There are more links to campaigners, blogger and anti-plastic projects here
The Plastic-free U.K. Directory
Showcasies U.K. based business, people and organisations that are plastic aware, in their own words….
Sadly I don’t have time to cover all the great people and businesses out there… and I always feel a little shy about write ups. Suppose I miss the point. So I ask people to contribute their own posts. The only provisos are that you have to be U.K. based and of course it has to have a rubbish element. Not necessarily anti-plastic but certainly plastic problem aware.

Hodmedods – British Grown Beans, Grains & Pulses
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Find more #plasticfree projects listed in the Plastic Free U.K. Directory homepage
Or by category….
By category
Business & Social Enterprises
U.K. based enterprises that provide plastic free/reduced products and services. These people state plastic/packaging reduction as part of their business ethos. Find them here.
Arts & Education
Educating, entertaining and exhibiting for a plastic free world!