
Elephants & Plastic

Wild life vet Jerry Haigh writes “Meanwhile three elephants in Chobe National Park died after eating trash from the Chobe landfill.”

A senior Wildlife Biologist, Mr Keagapetse Mosugelo said the elephants died as a result of plastics they ate in the landfill.

“The situation at the landfill is not good for animals,”

he said, adding that the electric fence that has been installed is not sufficient as birds will still flying in to eat waste.

Chobe, which is a fascinating park that lies right in the north of Botswana, is one of the areas on the continent where elephants have created their own min-deserts as they are so abundant that have almost eaten themselves out of house and home.

El morgo s photo rubbish elephants illustrates the point. This is why I boycott plastic.



  • are man-made organic chemicals;
  • They are added to plastic,to make it flexible, resilient and easier to handle:
  • They include endocrine disrupting and controversial phthalates:

Claims as to the number of plasticisers out there vary from  300 different types of plasticisers to approximately 50.  

Over the last 60 years more than 30,000 different substances have been evaluated for their plasticising properties. After meeting the rigorous performance, cost, availability, health and environmental requirements which are imposed by the market, users and regulators only 50 are in use.

The most common plasticisers include esters such as adipates, azelates, citrates, benzoates, orthophthalates, terephthalates, sebacates, and trimellitates.

In 1999, the global volume of plasticizers was approximate 10 billion lbs, or about $5 billion.The market has an average yearly growth rate of 2-3%.

Of the ester plasticizers, standard phthalate esters comprise over 85% or the tonnage produced every year. They command the market due to their low cost and easy availability. Other common plasticizers include specialty phthalate esters, adipates, and trimellitates (which are used for low-temperature applications).

Over 90% of the plasticizer volume produced every year goes into Poly(Vinyl Chloride), or PVC. This polymer is found in anything from food packaging to construction materials to toys to medical

Category Name Accronym Used in Classified
Acetate Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 1,2-propanediol, acetate Film and sheet, Food packaging – Cling Wrap
Adipates Di isobutyl adipate (DIBA) DIBA Not class.
Adipates Di-2-ethylhexyl adipate (DEHA) DEHA Flooring, Wall coverings, Cladding and Roofing, Film and sheet, Automotive , Tubes & Hoses, Coated Fabrics, Inks and waxes, Food packaging – Cling Wrap, Toys Not class.
Adipates Di-isodecyl adipate (DIDA) DIDA Not class.
Adipates Di-isononyl adipate (DINA) DINA Adhesives & Sealants, Food packaging – Cling Wrap Not class.
Adipates Di-tridecyl adipate (DTDA) DTDA Not class.
Azelates Di-2-ethylhexyl azelate (DOZ) DOZ Not class.
Azelates Di-isodecyl azelate (DIDA) DIDA Automotive , Adhesives & Sealants
Benzoate Di-ethylene glycol dibenzoate Flooring Not class.
Benzoate Di-propylene glycol dibenzoate Flooring No harmonised C&L
Benzoate Isodecyl Benzoate (IDB) IDB Flooring, Wall coverings, Automotive , Adhesives & Sealants, Inks and waxes No harmonised C&L
Benzoate Isononyl Benzoate (INB) INB Not class.
Benzoate Isononyl Benzoate (INBB) INBB Flooring, Film and sheet Not class.
Benzoate Tri-ethylene glycol dibenzoate
Citrates acetyl tributyl citrate Food packaging – Cling Wrap, Toys, Medical Applications
Citrates acetyl triethyl citrate Not class.
Citrates tri-2-ethylhexyl citrate Not class.
Citrates tributyl citrate Not class.
Citrates triethyl citrate Not class.
Cyclohexanoate Di-isononyl cyclohexane dicarboxylate (DINCH) DINCH Flooring, Wall coverings, Film and sheet, Automotive , Adhesives & Sealants, Tubes & Hoses, Coated Fabrics, Food packaging – Cling Wrap, Toys, Medical Applications Not class.
ESO epoxidised linseed oil (ELO) ELO Not class.
ESO epoxidized soybean oil (ESBO) ESBO Automotive , Food packaging – Cling Wrap Not class.
Ester 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-(1-oxobutoxy)-trihexyl ester (BTHC) BTHC Medical Applications
Ester 2,2′-ethylenedioxydiethyl-bis-(2-ethylhexanoate) Film and sheet
Ester Alkylsulphonic acid ester with phenol (ASE) ASE Adhesives & Sealants, Food packaging – Cling Wrap, Toys No harmonised C&L
Ester Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 1,2-propanediol, octyl ester Film and sheet, Food packaging – Cling Wrap
Ester Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol and 1,2-propanediol, isononyl ester Film and sheet, Food packaging – Cling Wrap
Ester Isosorbide Diesters Flooring, Food packaging – Cling Wrap
Ester Pentaerythritol ester of valeric acid Flooring, Automotive , Toys
Ester TXIB (2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3pentanediol di-isobutyrate) TXIB Flooring, Adhesives & Sealants, Toys
Glycerol ester Fully acetylated monoglyceride Food packaging – Cling Wrap, Toys, Medical Applications Not class.
Orthophthalate Benzyl 3-isobutyryloxy-1-isopropyl-2,2-dimethylpropyl phthalate Coated Fabrics
Orthophthalate Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) BBP Flooring Repr. 1B Aquatic acute 1 Aquatic chronic 1
Orthophthalate Benzyl C7-9-branched and linear alkyl phthalate Flooring, Adhesives & Sealants
Orthophthalate bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) DEHP Repr. 1B
Orthophthalate Butyl cyclohexyl phthalate (BCP) BCP Not class.
Orthophthalate Butyl decyl phthalate (BDP) BDP Not class.
Orthophthalate Di(2-Propyl Heptyl) phthalate (DPHP) DPHP Flooring, Wall coverings, Cladding and Roofing, Cables and wires, Film and sheet, Automotive , Tubes & Hoses, Coated Fabrics Not class.
Orthophthalate Di(n-octyl) phthalate (DNOP) DNOP Not class.
Orthophthalate Di-C16-18 alkyl phthalate Cables and wires
Orthophthalate Di-isotridecyl phthalate
Orthophthalate Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) DBP Flooring, Automotive , Inks and waxes Repr. 1B Acute aquatic 1


Orthophthalate Di-n-hexyl phthalate (DNHP) DNHP No harm. C&L RAC opinion: Repr. 1B; H360FD
Orthophthalate Di-n-pentyl phthalate (DNPP) DNPP Repr. 1B Aquatic acute 1
Orthophthalate Di-n-propyl phthalate (DPP) DPP No harmonised C&L
Orthophthalate Diallyl phthalate (DAP) DAP Acute tox. 4 Aquatic acute 1 Aquatic chronic 1
Orthophthalate Dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP) Flooring, Toys No harm. C&L Reg.of intention: Repr. 1B; H360FD Skin Sens. 1; H317
Orthophthalate Diethyl phthalate (DEP) DEP Not class.
Orthophthalate Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) DIBP Automotive , Adhesives & Sealants, Inks and waxes Repr. 1B
Orthophthalate Diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) DIDP Flooring, Cladding and Roofing, Cables and wires, Film and sheet, Automotive , Tubes & Hoses, Coated Fabrics, Inks and waxes Not class.
Orthophthalate Diisoheptyl phthalate (DIHP) DIHP Repr. 1B
Orthophthalate Diisohexyl phthalate (DHP) DHP RAC opinion: Repr. 1B, H360FD
Orthophthalate Diisononyl phthalate (DINP) DINP Flooring, Wall coverings, Cladding and Roofing, Cables and wires, Film and sheet, Automotive , Tubes & Hoses, Coated Fabrics, Inks and waxes Not class.
Orthophthalate Diisooctyl phthalate (DIOP) DIOP No harmonised C&L
Orthophthalate Diisotridecyl phthalate (DTDP) DTDP Cables and wires, Automotive Not class.
Orthophthalate Diisoundecyl phthalate (DIUP) DIUP Cladding and Roofing, Cables and wires, Automotive Not class.
Orthophthalate Dimethyl phthalate (DMP) DMP Not class.
Orthophthalate Ditridecyl phthalate (DTDP) DTDP Not class.
Orthophthalate Diundecyl phthalate (DUP) DUP Cladding and Roofing, Cables and wires Not class.
Orthophthalate n-Octyl n-decyl phthalate (ODP) ODP Not class.
Phosphate ester 2-ethyhexyl diphenyl phosphate Not class.
Phosphate ester TPP (Triphenyl phosphate) TPP Flooring, Wall coverings
Phosphate ester Tris (2-ethylhexyl) phosphate Not class.
Sebacates Di-2-ethylhexyl sebacate (DOS) DOS Not class.
Sebacates Di-isodecyl Sebacate (DIDS) DIDS Not class.
Sebacates Dibutyl sebacate (DBS) DBS
Sebacates Dimethyl sebacate (DMS) DMS Adhesives & Sealants
Terephthalate Di iso Butyl terephthalate (DBT) DBT Adhesives & Sealants Not class.
Terephthalate Di octyl terephthalate (DOTP or DEHTP) DOTP Flooring, Food packaging – Cling Wrap, Toys, Medical Applications Not class.
Trimellitate Tris-2-ethyhexyl trimellitate Cables and wires, Film and sheet, Medical Applications Not class.

Most Common Phthalates In Use (Wikkipedia)

Name Abbreviation Structural formula Molecular weight (g/mol) CAS No.
Dimethyl phthalate DMP C6H4(COOCH3)2 194.18 131-11-3
Diethyl phthalate DEP C6H4(COOC2H5)2 222.24 84-66-2
Diallyl phthalate DAP C6H4(COOCH2CH=CH2)2 246.26 131-17-9
Di-n-propyl phthalate DPP C6H4[COO(CH2)2CH3]2 250.29 131-16-8
Di-n-butyl phthalate DBP C6H4[COO(CH2)3CH3]2 278.34 84-74-2
Diisobutyl phthalate DIBP C6H4[COOCH2CH(CH3)2]2 278.34 84-69-5
Butyl cyclohexyl phthalate BCP CH3(CH2)3OOCC6H4COOC6H11 304.38 84-64-0
Di-n-pentyl phthalate DNPP C6H4[COO(CH2)4CH3]2 306.40 131-18-0
Dicyclohexyl phthalate DCP C6H4[COOC6H11]2 330.42 84-61-7
Butyl benzyl phthalate BBP CH3(CH2)3OOCC6H4COOCH2C6H5 312.36 85-68-7
Di-n-hexyl phthalate DNHP C6H4[COO(CH2)5CH3]2 334.45 84-75-3
Diisohexyl phthalate DIHxP C6H4[COO(CH2)3CH(CH3)2]2 334.45 146-50-9
Diisoheptyl phthalate DIHpP C6H4[COO(CH2)4CH(CH3)2]2 362.50 41451-28-9
Butyl decyl phthalate BDP CH3(CH2)3OOCC6H4COO(CH2)9CH3 362.50 89-19-0
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate DEHP, DOP C6H4[COOCH2CH(C2H5)(CH2)3CH3]2 390.56 117-81-7
Di(n-octyl) phthalate DNOP C6H4[COO(CH2)7CH3]2 390.56 117-84-0
Diisooctyl phthalate DIOP C6H4[COO(CH2)5CH(CH3)2]2 390.56 27554-26-3
n-Octyl n-decyl phthalate ODP CH3(CH2)7OOCC6H4COO(CH2)9CH3 418.61 119-07-3
Diisononyl phthalate DINP C6H4[COO(CH2)6CH(CH3)2]2 418.61 28553-12-0
Di(2-propylheptyl) phthalate DPHP C6H4[COOCH2CH(CH2CH2CH3)(CH2)4CH3]2 446.66 53306-54-0
Diisodecyl phthalate DIDP C6H4[COO(CH2)7CH(CH3)2]2 446.66 26761-40-0
Diundecyl phthalate DUP C6H4[COO(CH2)10CH3]2 474.72 3648-20-2
Diisoundecyl phthalate DIUP C6H4[COO(CH2)8CH(CH3)2]2 474.72 85507-79-5
Ditridecyl phthalate DTDP C6H4[COO(CH2)12CH3]2 530.82 119-06-2
Diisotridecyl phthalate DIUP C6H4[COO(CH2)10CH(CH3)2]2 530.82 68515-47-9



Oil from plastic…

Don’t throw those sweet wrappers away you may need them to run your car. They can be turned into oil by

  • Thermal depolymerization (TDP) or
  • Pyrolysis System.

Thermal Depolymerization 

is the thermal decomposition of organic compounds when heated to high temperatures in the presence of water. Organic compounds can mean anything from pig poop to plastic.

How it works….

Feedstock materials are first ground into small pieces and mixed with water. The mixture is then heated to 482°F (250°C) for approximately 15 minutes in a pressure vessel. The steam generated raises the pressure in the vessel to approximately 600 pounds per square inch (PSI) which, at the end of the heating process, is rapidly released. This causes the water to flash off or rapidly evaporate, thus leaving residual solids and crude hydrocarbons behind.

These constituents are separated and the hydrocarbons collected for further refinement. This involves further thermal treatment to 930°F (500°C) and fractional distillation sorting. The results are light and heavy naphthas, kerosene, and gas oil fractions which are suitable for the production of several grades of fuel oil. The residual solids remaining after the initial thermal treatment may be used as fertilizers, filters, soil fuels, and activated carbon for wastewater treatment. Wise Geek

It can be used in the recovery of PET, polyamides (except Nylon), and polyurethanes (except Styrofoam).

It mimics the natural geological processes thought to be involved in the production of fossil fuels. Under pressure and heat, the long chain polymers are broken down into short-chain petroleum hydrocarbons.

With thanks toWikipedia and Green Manufacturing 

Average TDP Feedstock Outputs[8]
Feedstock Oils Gases Solids (mostly carbon based) Water (Steam)
Plastic bottles 70% 16% 6% 8%
Medical waste 65% 10% 5% 20%
Tires 44% 10% 42% 4%
Turkey offal 39% 6% 5% 50%
Sewage sludge 26% 9% 8% 57%
Paper (cellulose) 8% 48% 24% 20%

(Note: Paper/cellulose contains at least 1% minerals, which was probably grouped under carbon solids.) Wikipedia


This company, Cynar,  use pyrolysis to turn plastic into oil. Here’s what they have to say on the subject

Suitable end of life plastics are preprocessed to size reduce and remove any contaminants or non-plastic materials from the feedstock at the first stage of the Cynar Technology. The shredded plastics and are then loaded via a hot melt in-feed system directly into main pyrolysis chambers. Agitation commences to even the temperature and homogenise the feedstocks. Pyrolysis then commences and the plastic becomes a vapour. Non-plastic materials fall to the bottom of the chamber.

The vapour from the chambers passes into the contactor which knocks back the long chained carbons and allows the required condensable vapours to pass into the distillation column. The system diverts the non-condensable synthetic gas through a scrubber and then back into the furnaces to heat the pyrolysis chambers. The condensable vapours are converted in the distillation column to produce lite oil and raw diesel. The lite oil is put into storage. The raw diesel is passed to the vacuum distillation column to be further refined to produce diesel, kerosene and lite oil; the distillates then pass into the recovery tanks.

The pyrolysis system is the prime chamber, which performs the essential functions of homogenisation and controlled decomposition in a single process. The Cynar Technology process requires minimal maintenance and produces a consistent quality distillate from end of life plastic.

Taken from the website

Wikkipedia has this to say on the subject.

Anhydrous pyrolysis can also be used to produce liquid fuel similar to diesel from plastic waste, with a higher cetane value and lower sulphur content than traditional diesel.[15] Using pyrolysis to extract fuel from end-of-life plastic is a second-best option after recycling, is environmentally preferable to landfill, and can help reduce dependency on foreign fossil fuels and geo-extraction.[16] Pilot Jeremy Roswell plans to make the first flight from Sydney to London using diesel fuel from recycled plastic waste manufactured by Cynar PLC.


Blest Technology based in Japan will sell you a machine to do it yourself at home .As the process sounds exactly like the one above  I am guessing it’s a pyrolysis based system.

Recyclable plastics are polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE) and polystyrene (PS). They cannot recycle PET.

“Teaching this at schools is the most important work that I do,” Ito reflects. In Japan too, he visits schools where he shows children, teachers and parents how to convert the packaging and drinking straws leftover from lunch.

If we were to use only the world’s plastic waste rather than oil from oil fields, CO2 emissions could be slashed dramatically, he says.

“It’s a waste isn’t it?” Ito asks. “This plastic is every where in the world, and everyone throws it away.” quoted here

“The carbon-negative system  is a highly-efficient technology, converting 1 kilogram (about 2 lbs.) of plastic into 1 liter (about a quart) of oil using just 1 kilowatt of power (cost: about .20 cents).

Of course, the end product of this conversion system is still fuel that must be burned, and thus, it will give off CO2 as part of the combustion process.  Read more here

Ocean Ambassadors promote its use.

It is in operation in over 80 countries worldwide, and has a processing capability of up to 20 tons a day.There are pilot projects in works from various universities as well as the UNDP.

We advocate and educate on this technology as a solution to island nations as it provides a real-time solution to effectively processing these “waste materials” locally and providing an end product that has a high demand in all locations.

As it is a low-sulfur burning content fuel and recorded as environmentally friendlier than standard diesel, we feel this technology offers us an option for the time being before we phase into plastic alternatives that are bio-based.


Or you can build your own machine in your back yard like this guy!


Projects that look interesting

The Waste Combuster

Plastic is first processed in an upper tank, which converts the material into gas through a process called pyrolysis. Then, the gas moves to the lower tank, where it’s burned with oxidants. That burning generates heat and steam, which drive combustion and generate electric power. While other waste-to-fuel generators have been developed, Levendis says his machine has the added bonus of not producing harmful emissions.

The waste combustor is currently still in prototype phase, but Levendis is dreaming big: Eventually, he envisions scaling up this concept to juice a large power plant. A connected plastic recycling center could provide a constant stream of fuel.


Heres a plant in India thats transforming plastic into motorbike fuel  They say of the process that it “converts all sorts of waste plastic into fuel oil, petroleum gas and solid petroleum coke. It can work with all kinds of plastic waste, and doesn’t need the waste to be cleaned first. A fractional residue containing metals is the only possibly harmful by-product.”

Pretty sure that is thermal depolymerization

Talking of which .. I got this comment to one of my posts

If there is anybody who seriously wants an eco-friendly disposal system for used plastics, please contact me for this existing zero percent emission process technology that converts plastics into EN590 Diesel – ready for use in vehicles and other uses such as power generation.

Contact:  Mr. Anvi Arcilla



And the yanks are doing it too. This company in America are setting up a business that they hope will turn a profit in 15 months


Other ways to recycle plastic can be found here

And more ways to dispose of plastic here


Birds & Plastic

Black footed Albatross (Sileo et al 1990)

Northern Fulmar (van Franeker. 1985. 2003. 2005)

Herring Gull Great Black-backed Gull (Day et al. 1985)

A large Sugar Gum tree branch fell down in the local school over summer. I had a look and in the branches was a dead magpie and a nest. There was plastic tangled around the magpie’s foot. It looks as though the parents used some plastic in the building of the nest. When the youngster grew up he became tangled and couldn’t fly. He must have starved to death, hanging upside down by his foot.

words and photo Originally uploaded by Geoffmo

Brown Booby, the commonest of the boobies alon...

Brown Booby, the commonest of the boobies along Panama’s coasts. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jennifer L. Lavers, Jarrod C. Hodgson, Rohan H. Clarke, Prevalence and composition of marine debris in Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) nests at Ashmore Reef, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 77, Issues 1–2, 15
December 2013, Pages 320-324, ISSN 0025-326X,

Abstract: Anthropogenic debris is ubiquitous in the marine environment
and has been reported to negatively impact hundreds of species globally.
Seabirds are particularly at risk from entanglement in debris due to
their habit of collecting food and, in many cases, nesting material off
the ocean’s surface. We compared the prevalence and composition of
debris in nests and along the beach at two Brown Booby (Sula
leucogaster) colonies on Ashmore Reef, Timor Sea, a remote area known to
contain high densities of debris transported by ocean currents. The
proportion of nests with debris varied across islands (range 3–31%),
likely in response to the availability of natural nesting materials.
Boobies exhibited a preference for debris colour (white and black), but
not type. The ephemeral nature of Brown Booby nests on Ashmore Reef may
limit their utility as indicators of marine pollution, however
monitoring is recommended in light of increasing demand for plastic
Keywords: Brown Booby; Marine debris; Nesting ecology; Plastic
pollution; Sula leucogaster; Timor Sea




More reports on other animal deaths can be found here


Plastics & Birds

Click here for the slide show

A Dutch study in the North Sea of fulmar seabirds concluded 95 per cent of the birds had plastic in their stomachs. More than 1600 pieces were found in the stomach of one bird in Belgium.

Since his first encounter with the gyre in 1997, Moore created the Algalita Marine Research Foundation to help study the problem. Canadian filmmaker Ian Connacher joined Moore last year to film the garbage patch for his documentary, I Am Plastic.

“The most menacing part is those little bits of plastic start looking like food for certain animals, or the filter feeders don’t have any choice, they just pick them up,” noted Connacher.

Perhaps an even bigger problem is hiding beneath the surface of the islands of garbage. Greenpeace reports that about 70 per cent of the plastic that makes it to the ocean sinks to the bottom, where it then smothers marine life on the ocean floor. Dutch scientists have found 600,000 tons of discarded plastic on the bottom of the North Sea alone.

A study by the Japanese geochemist Hideshige Takada and his colleagues at Tokyo University in 2001 found that plastic polymers soak up the resilient poisons such as DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls. The researchers found that non-water-soluble toxic chemicals can be found in plastic in levels as high as a million times their concentration in water. As small pieces of plastic are mistaken for fish eggs and other food by marine life, these toxins end up at the dinner table. But even without the extra toxins, eating plastic is hazardous to health.



Find  plastic free products with the >>>A-Z<<< plastic free index



Bioplastics or organic plastics are derived from renewable sources such as starch, vegetable oil and even chicken feathers.
Some plant derived plastics biodegrade, some do not.

The term bio-plastics is used to describe both types of plant derived plastic i.e. biodegradable and biomass derived.

This has led to some CONFUSION as some now think all bioplastics, biodegrade.
Not so.
Some bioplastics, like PLA plastic do biodegrade, indeed are certified compostable. 
Others, like the plant derived PET plastic, do not biodegrade.

Plant Derived PET
Ethane can be derived from plants.This is the same as ethane derived from oil and is used in the same way to make the same PET plastics.
Plant derived PET shares the same long-lasting, non-biodegradable qualities as petroleum derived PET i.e lasts pretty much forever.

Sorts Of Bioplastics

  • Cellulose derived plastics such as Cellophane. These plant derived plastics are amongst the first examples of the product and do biodegrade. ­
  • Starch based plastics which are compostable such as PLA plastics. They are certified compostable and do biodegrade.
  • Polyhydroxyalkanoates or PHAs  are linear polyesters produced in nature by bacterial fermentation of ­sugar or lipids. They are produced by the bacteria to store carbon and energy. They do biodegrade
  • chicken feathers bioplastic – biodegrades.
  • Ethane based plastics as used Coca-Cola’s PlantBottle which replaces 30 percent of the ethanol in their normal polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottle with 30 percent plant-derived ethanol. This means the bottle is still considered PET and can be recycled but is NOT biodegradable.

In short, just because a plastic has been made from plants does not mean it is biodegradable.

Useful To Know
The case for and against plant derived PET plastics – great article here
Why most plastics don’t biodegrade
What is Ethane .

Biodegradable/ degradable plastics.

Some conventional plastics are labeled biodegradable which may lead you to think they are, well, biodegradable! They are not. They have an additive that makes the plastic fall apart, degrade, more quickly. And only in certain conditions. You can read more here


The house made from plastic rubbish

This guy is definatly part of the solution……………….do check it out

This is my ecoHouse… which I Build DIY at 10,000 USD.
– Using recycled rice hull plastic material.
– 100% non toxic
– 100% Green.
– 100% made from waste material
– with International Eco Label.
– 0 trees are chopped. 0% timber
– 100% DIY, in 10 days, build like LEGO
Do you to find out more on this Recycling?
Check out this blog Part 2/10




Laminated Cartons /Tetra Paks

They might look cardboard and many think they are even some kind of waxed paper but tetrapaks and the like are basically a thin plastic container reinforced with card.
Or rather laminated cartons composed of paper/card and layers of polythene.

Made How?
Cartons, are made up of paperboard (73%), plastic (22%) and aluminium foil (5%).
The board is made from wood pulp boiled at 160 degrees to remove the Lignin, a chemical compound and separate the fibres from the cellulose.
The fibres are washed and cleaned. Some are bleached white. The fibres are then used to make card with the white face on the outside. Any design work is printed onto the white bleached side.
Three layers of molten polythene are sprayed on the inside and a single layer on the outside. This will protect the future contents, such as orange juice and the design printed on the outside.

They Have A Recyclable Logo

Yes they can be recycled but it is a complex procedure and so not very cost effective. All the components have to be separated and then individually reused.

Laminated cartons cannot be included with normal paper recycling. Most local councils offer Tetrapak recycling as part of their kerbside collections. If not, they can usually be taken to your local recycling centre. To find out more visit which includes an interactive map showing which local councils offer kerbside collections or have collection facilities at recycling banks.

Recyclable Does Not Mean Recycled

Vital Statistics

Tetra Pak from Sweden are the best known. over 130 billion tetra paks are manufactured each year.
Tetra paks are used in over 150 countries, around the world.

Wikipedia claims that As of 2011, 20% of Tetra Pak cartons are recycled globally, with countries like Belgium, Germany, Spain and Norway showing local recycling rates of over 50%.

Tetra Versus PET aplastic bottle

From the Guardian

“A drastic difference also exists when evaluating the “water footprint” of plastic bottles and Tetra Pak cartons. It takes anywhere between 1 to 2 litres to manufacture a 500ml PET bottle. The water footprint for a 500ml Tetra Pak carton stands at 200 ml of water. Tetra Pak can argue that the trees from which the cartons are made come from managed farms, and furthermore, those trees absorb carbon dioxide during their lifespan. PET bottle promoters retort that the amount of fossil fuels consumed to make bottles is a sliver of the world’s supply, and the recycling process is energy efficient.”


You can find other sneaky plastics HERE

With thanks to The Technology Student

Read treehugger on Tetrapaks


But what to do with all those plastic milk bottles


Joey made the lampshade from  20 plastic 2 litre milk bottles following instructions from indestructables. Extremely clever reuse.

You can a whole load of way to reuse, recraft and recycle plastic  plastic trash here. And you can look at my Pinterest board for more funky ideas. The people over there are so clever aren’t they?

Though of course its best to REFUSE plastic first place.


Polystyrene is used to make

  • coffee cups
  • soup bowls and salad boxes
  • foam egg cartons; produce & meat trays
  • disposable utensils
  • packing “peanuts”
  • foam inserts that cushion new appliances and electronics
  • television and computer cabinets
  • compact disc “jewel boxes” and audiocassette cases

It is also used as a building material, with electrical appliances (light switches and plates), and in other household items.

Polystyrene (Styrofoam in the USA) is a strong plastic created from erethylene and benzine that can be injected, extruded or blow molded, making it a very useful and versatile manufacturing material.Read more here
Styrene is primarily a synthetic chemical that is used extensively in the manufacture of plastics, rubber, and resins. It is also known as vinylbenzene, ethenylbenzene, cinnamene, or phenylethylene.

Derived from petroleum and natural gas by-products, styrene helps create thousands of remarkably strong, flexible, and light-weight products that represent a vital part of our health, safety and well-being. Probably the most recognizable material is polystyrene, often encountered as expanded polystyrene foam (EPS). Other styrene-based materials include acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene (ABS), styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), and unsaturated polyester resin (UPR), which is better known as fiberglass. The styrene information and research center

Thousands of small units of styrene, called monomers, link together to form large molecules of polystyrene by a process called polymerisation.

Expanded polystyrene starts as small spherical beads with a typical diameter of 0.5-1.5mm. They contain an expanding agent;When the beads are heated with steam, the agent starts to boil, the polymer softens and the beads expand to about forty times their initial size. After a maturing period to equilibrate temperature and pressure, the pre-foamed beads, which now have a closed cellular foam structure, are placed in a mould and again reheated with steam. The mould can be designed to meet any requirements of the customer. The pre-foamed beads expand further, completely fill the mould cavity and fuse together. When moulded, nearly all the volume of the EPS foam (in fact 98%) is air. This is what makes EPS so lightweight and buoyant.

Taken from the styromelt website

It contains styrene which is according to some is  a toxic carcinogen that  leaches  from the container into the contents – your coffee for example – try this site for an in depth discussion of the issue.

The styrene information and research center ( representing the industy) has this to say on the subject “in 1989 OSHA and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reviewed the health data on styrene and concluded that styrene does not pose any cancer risk. An international panel of experts from the 12-nation European Community reached the same conclusion in 1988. Canada decided in 1994 that styrene posed no carcinogenic risk. A draft 1996 risk assessment of styrene by the Health & Safety Executive of the United Kingdom also concluded that styrene does not pose a carcinogenic threat.

In 1987, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) upgraded styrene’s classification to a “possible” human carcinogen. Many scientists have disputed this action because it was not based on new cancer data, but resulted from changes in the criteria for IARC classifications. ”

However it is on the hazardous substances list

* Styrene Monomer is on the Hazardous Substance List because it
is regulated by OSHA and cited by ACGIH, NIOSH, DOT, DEP, NFPA
and EPA.
* This chemical is also on the Special Health Hazard Substance
List because it is a MUTAGEN, FLAMMABLE, and REACTIVE.

Safe levels of exposure have to be maintained and OSHA  also state “Health effects of styrene include irritation of the skin, eyes, and the upper respiratory tract. Acute exposure may also result in gastrointestinal effects. Chronic exposure affects the central nervous system showing symptoms such as depression, headache, fatigue, weakness, and may cause minor effects on kidney function. ”

Styrene is listed by the EU as a potential endocrine disruptor.

As with all plastics it  lasts an incredibly long time. Consequently plastic cups and clam shells can be seen littering the environment the world over.

Microplastic Polution

Tiny polystyrene globules from degraded products mix forever with the sand.

In the old days in couldnt be recyled; now it can but facilities are limited. Though of course that may well change in the future.

As with all plastic polystyrene does not biodegrade. Instead it hangs around for years creating everlasting litter and problomatic pollution. BUT the boffs are working on the problem and here are their solutions


Polystyrene is difficult to recycle. Difficult but not impossible …

For those of you who insist on using polystyrene cups you can out more about recycling them here.

For the other stuff there is a  process for recycling  polystyrene that uses  the styromelt system.


Polystyrene and the OZONE LAYER

There are other issues with polystyrene the expanding agent that causes the styrene to puff up affects the ozone layer

However, despite EPF’s popularity and unique features, it has recently come under attack because of the gaseous methane derivatives—chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)—used to foam it. CFCs are inert, and harmless to humans and the environment upon their release. However, long after their first use, scientists realized that CFCs contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer as they decompose. The ozone layer is a layer of the atmosphere that protects the earth against harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. In 1988 representatives from 31 nations signed the Montreal Protocol, a treaty with which they resolved to halve CFC production by 1998. This agreement brought EPF to the world’s consciousness as a threat to the ozone layer. While foam packaging is responsible for less than three percent of the CFCs being released into the atmosphere, EPF reduction has been targeted as a way to lower CFC levels, and new technology that explores ways to produce EPF without CFCs has flourished.

see  answers website

the expanding agent now used is “a pure hydrocarbon, which does not contain any halogens and does not damage the earth’s protective ozone layer.” Taken from the styromelt website

However environmentalists disagree see rebuttal

As with all plastic the arguments are split between the producers and the environmentalists and can be very basically summarised as follows: superlative product with a myriad of wonderful applications, recyclable and above all completely inert and safe as opposed to consumerism gone mad and leacher of carcinogenic chemicals.

But whichever your school of thought all agree that its looks nasty, is polluting the environment and lasts a very long time. So lets not use it to make throw away items.


Clothes hangers

Plastic coat hangers? I hate them. They are rubbish, break easily and are bad for your clothes.
They are usually given away with a purchase of clothing..
Even if you refuse the hanger don’t fondly think it is automatically going to be reused. Many clothes now are bought, ready- hung from the manufacturer. They are not hung in store.
Some of the larger coat hangers may be reused at home but there is a limit to how many coat hangers you need.

And if you are talking knickers vests and the like, those hangers are little more than one-use disposables. Unless you have a strange fetish for them, you don’t keep them and the stores certainly don’t reuse them.

The amount of waste created by these disposable hangers in phenomenal. It is claimed the USA alone they get through 8 billion plastic /wire hangers a year . – enough to fill the empire states building 4 times over. You can  find a lot more statistics on hanger abuse here.

And no recycling is not the answer!

Saying NO to plastic coat hangers

Refuse – I try to buy un-hung clothes when ever possible. That means clothes that are not displayed on hangers.

  1. What To Do With Plastic Hangers

    Reuse – but if you do end up with unwanted hangers you can try giving them away.  Charity shops sometimes need more coat hangers and you can often get rid of them them via  free cycle.

    Return I don’t have many clothes that need dry cleaning, but when I do get that done, I return the hanger.

    Plastic Free Alternatives

    At Home

    Wooden Hangers At home I hang my clothes on wooden hangers. I buy mine from wherever I see them (including Ikea).

    In Shops

    If you are a shop owner or dry cleaner and you really need a disposable hanger – here’s are some addresses for cardboard hangers you can recycle.

    U.K Hangers Of London

    Defenda are made in the U.K.

    If you are questioning your use of plastic or wire coat hangers, due to the environmentally devastating effect their disposal has on landfill each year, you will be delighted to know that an alternative exists.

    DEFENDA Green Hangers Are Environmentally Friendly Corrugated Cardboard Clothes Hangers / Coat Hangers.
    UK Manufactured For Reduced Import Miles

    These Strong ECO-FRIENDLY Corrugated Alternatives To Plastic & Metal Wire Coat Hangers Are Produced From Recycled Corrugated Board & Are 100% Recyclable. They Are Ideal For Commercial Or Domestic Use i.e. Dry Cleaning Companies, Laundrettes, Clothes Shops / Retailers etc

    They Are Also A Safer Option For Organisations Where Safety Is a Concern Such As: HM Prison Services, Mental Health Facilities, Care & Nursing Homes & Many Other Institutions Where Metal Or Plastic Hangers Can Be Used As Weapons Or Allow For Self-Harming Among Patients.


    Or these Normn Hangers

    The Solid Board that the hangers are made from is 100% recycled. The hangers too are 100% recyclable after you are done using them. So when its time for fresh ones, you can just pop the old ones into the paper recycling and they’ll re-surface perhaps as a paper cup, stationary or maybe even into a new, cool sustainable hanger. PLUS our hangers are printed with vegetable-based inks – they do absolutely no harm to nature.

    Sustainability in manufacturing

    All our hangers are produced by our exclusive partner Smurfit Kappa. They are one of the world’s largest integrated manufacturers of paper-based packaging products. They have also won several sustainability awards. We continuously work closely with Smurfit Kappa to research and develop new models of perfectly crafted, sustainable hangers.



    This company are promoting a solution; a fibre board biodegradable hanger and a campaign against the plastic hanger . Here is their promotional material

    Plastic hanger facts
    Approximately 85% of plastic retail hangers no reused or recycled
    90% of America’s clothes now imported
    30-40 billion clothes come into the United States on plastic hangers
    85% of 30-40 billion is 25. > 34 billion hangers into landfills every year.
    34 billion landfilled hangers would fill almost 20 Empire State Buildings
    40 billion hangers end to end would stretch 8 million miles, far beyond the orbit of the moon—every year.
    Polystyrene hangers off-gas benzene in clothing and leaches benzene into the ground water.
    Polycarbonate hangers leach bisphenol-a into ground water.
    Plastic hangers take over 1,000 years to break down in an anerobic landfill. All for a one-time use.
    Why so many hangers?
    Growing industry trend of one-use plastic hangers
    Garments on Hangers (GOH) – hangers are put on clothing overseas by clothing manufacturer and shipped to store already on hanger
    Each hanger is one-use and garment replacing sold product has it’s own hanger.
    Hanger is now outsourced to clothing manufacturer who includes the price of the hanger into their Cost of Goods (COG)
    Its cheaper for the clothing retailer to use one-use hangers but plastic is a poor material to make any product that is one-use, especially one with so much plastic in it.
    Companies who use Garment on Hangers are Wal-Mart, Old Navy, C&A, Target, Kmart, Coles and most department stores.
    Aren’t plastic hangers recyclable?
    Cheaper to landfill than to recycle
    Cheaper to make new plastic hangers than recycle
    Multiple materials (metal hook and clips, rubber or vinyl no-slip pads, 7 different types of plastic) make recycling impractical if not impossible.
    Where do plastic hangers go if I don’t take them after I buy clothing? Answer: in a box under the counter then out to the back.
    How much waste per store?
    One clothing company’s flagship store in San Francisco that uses the GOH system said
    They throw away approximately 95% of their plastic hangers every day.
    They replace from 8,000 to 28,000 garments everyday
    That means they throw away from 7,600 to 26,600 hangers every day.
    Why do companies that say they are green use such a wasteful system where up to 19.5 Empire State Buildings of plastic hangers landfilled?
    Because hangers are invisible to the consumer
    The wire hanger was patented in 1890
    The plastic retail hanger was invented in the 60’s
    There’s been no innovation, so the hangers have become invisible
    They are so prevalent that no one sees them anymore
    Hanger companies and retail clothing companies are very quiet about this extreme waste stream
    Hanger companies stay in business
    Retailers save by using one-use GOH plastic hangers

    What’s the solution?
    Tell your local retailer that you do not like plastic hangers in stores that you buy at.
    that up to 34 billion of those plastic retail hangers go into your municipal landfill.
    that they are not green if they use plastic hangers – even recycled plastic hangers.
    Tell them that 85% of all plastic hangers end up in landfills.
    Tell them to use a sustainable material such as paper fiberboard hangers that can be recycled at the store or at consumer curbside pickups
    Join the Anti Plastic Hanger Movement and stop the 36 billion plastic hangers that get thrown into local landfills everyyear to save retail companies money!

    You can see all our posts on clothing, fabrics and the plastic-free wardrobe here.


Knitting with plastic bags

Dont get me wrong – plastic recycling is good, but these guys are my kind of peopl; they dont throw plastic rubbish away as the bad people do – but they dont recycle it either. Instead they out out the middle man and  reuse plastic rubbish  to make other wonderful and useful things

The Fusers – they fuse together sevral flimsy plastic bags together to create one strong sheet that can then be sewn into all manner of things

The knitters knit their old plastic bags up into all sorts of fantastic things


Basically you cut your old plastic carrier bags into  bags into strips. There are two methods – one includes knotting and results in a double thread the other does not and results in a single yarn. I don’t  know which is best but the second one looks much easier.

The plarn can now be knitted or crocheted into  bags following this  pattern

0r sandals

Or a  50s style outfit “The plastic grocery bag came about in the 1950’s along with futuristic optimisim about America, so I made a “typical” 1950’s ensemble Says maker Cathy Kasdan of Cleveland, Ohio”

or lots of other  things. Check out this Pinterest site for inspiration.



See other plastic crafts here