
An essential in our house. Quick and easy but hard to get plastic free.

Fresh Pasta

Apparently you can make your own pasta. I even bought the machine. Still not made any!

Dried pasta
An essential in our house. Quick and easy but hard to get plastic free.

Good news is that the Jar Tree in Leeds Market  sells wholewheat spaghettis and pasta twirls both brown and white loose. And  I think the Nut House (also Leeds Market) might sell white pasta tubes.

I love Leeds Market. I love it. Its a great place to buy #plasticfree almost everything. Read a review here

Loose Food

As the plastic movement grows more shops are selling naked food; stuff that that normally comes plastic packaged ie rice, Some sell pasta. Heres a list of towns with shops selling loose food.

Buy Online

But loose food shops are still few and far between, Don’t despair. It is possible to buy food online loose and plasticfree. You can even use your own cotton produce bags for some things. READ MORE HERE.

Better Plastic
Cant be denied that all the above options are expensive and if you really can’t do without it (who can), and you have a choice of plasticless and plastic wrapped products.

Almost Plastic Free Barilla
Barilla sells all sorts os pasta in a cardboard box with a small plastic window. Lots of supermarkets sell it.

Pasta Polythene Bags

Many products like dried pasta come packaged in lovely looking, printed, laminated plastic film.  Or to put it more simply several layers of plastic each with different properties stuck together. Because they consist of different plastics bonded together it is difficult to know what they are and how to treat them and separating the films is tricky and so very expensive. Films therefore often don’t get recycled but burnt or landfilled.
Simple polythene bags are easy to recycle. You can read more about that here.

Check the recycling info on the package to find out more.

Sell pasta in bulk in polythene bags. Sadly they don’t do whole wheat or organic pasta like this so you will have to make do white white pasta twirls. Possibly other supermarkets also do this.


Supermarkets & Chainstores
Because sometimes we have to shop there and yes you can get plastic free and zero waste stuff. Read  our supermarket reviews here.

If you want to buy loose, you will need to take your own reusable packaging – produce bags, tupperware even compostable disposables. You can find them here.

Feel guilty buying plastic packed food? So do we but sometimes you have to so we apply the special treats rule. read more about the three levels of plastic free food

See all our food posts via the food index


lines changes, products get removed. For more information why not ask the Plastic Is Rubbish FB group for updates. They are a great source of tidbits, personal experience and the latest news. Why not join them and share the plastic free love x

And before you go…

If you have found the #plasticfree information useful, please consider supporting us. It all goes to financing the project.

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