
Here are some hashtags you might like to explore!

Twitter Tags

 – new tag on the blogs – for stupidly overpacked items

 i.e not disposables which we would like to

 … YES!!!!


#plasticshaming – for particularly gross plastic products

#PfreeUK – the tag for the directory of plasticless/free projects, businesesse & other aware bodies based in the UK.






#pfjuk – plastic free July U.K. related subjects.

And if you want to mange your Twitter lists quickly and efficiently, try this free app 

#Plasticfree – a proviso for the picky

I describe myself as a plastic- refusnik, a boycotter or plastic free. But I have never been happy with any of those labels. I am not plastic free. I live in a house with plastic cabling, I work on my plastic computer until I put on my plastic coat to go out in the rain. I have a relationship with my Dyson that is almost love.

Nor would I aspire to be plastic free. Plastic is a great product that has changed the world for the better.

It is the misuse of plastic that I am campaigning against not the product itself. So yes I refuse a lot of trashy plastic, I boycott abused plastic, but plastic- free? No certainly not. It was Michelles tag, being PALL ( plastic a lot less) that summed it up for me. That is exactly what we, the plastic avoiders are, plastic-less.

Michelle has been plasticless for a longtime now – and she can help you go plasticless too. Find out more about Michelle, and being PALL here.

But I still use the #plasticfree hashtag because I have used for so long.


I am always looking for ways to promote plastic reduction so I thought I would try this new approach from Thunderclap

“Thunderclap is the first-ever crowd speaking platform that helps people be heard by saying something together. It allows a single message to be mass-shared, flash mob-style, so it rises above the noise of your social networks. By boosting the signal at the same time. Thunderclap helps a single person create action and change like never before.
This is my message and I want to get it out there to as many people as possible “Cut plastic trash and limit your contact with endocrine disruptors with these 350+ plastic-free alternatives” with a link to my blog.

To do this I have to get support for my campaign from you the people.


You visit this page and pledge your suport via one the social media channels you belong to – or indeed all of them!Once done you are added to my supporters total.

If I get 100 supportersThunderclap will post my message on all the accounts following me on July 31st. creating one big social media shout out helping people cut plastic pollution for the good of the planet and thier health.

This is a one time message. You will not be spammed or anything nasty and if you change your mind you can opt out at any time.
Many thanks for your support. Together we can make changes! x



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