OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday’s action is to ‘share it’. 80% of people in a Cooperatives UK survey said that sharing makes them happy. By sharing our skills, time and stuff, we can improve our wellbeing and reduce demand for limited resources.

So I thought I would share the free food I foraged  and took a jar a bramble/port jelly to a ham based dinner party!
Free food, plastic-free, whats not to love?
And though it was late in the year I managed to get enough blackberries to make a couple of pots of jelly.

It is really easy, but then discovering jam sugar has changed my approach to preserves. Before this I found it a complex process needing tons of fruit and lemons  that resulted in a liquid syrupy gloop. However using this ready mixed sugar and pectin has (so far), been fool proof.
Even better you can use it to make really small amounts.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

So while I only got a handful of brambles, I could still preserve them and make this lovely looking, tasty gift!

Heres how…. Equal amounts of blackberries to jam sugar
return to boil
add cinnamon nutmeg and lemon to taste
Slosh of port

Take to dinner party – garner compliments!


Check out the #plasticfree cookbook here.