
Spices including pepper

Dried and ground can be bought Loose The Nut Shop Leeds Market HERE If you cannot get to Leeds you can try health food shops Wholefood Market a supermarket chain Weigh & Save shops a UK franchise Loose Food A to Z Find out if a shop near you sells bulk food loose. This is…


Eating plastic free from supermarkets

Supermarkets The Co-op in the UK is owned by it’s members. That’s you. So do use that whenever possible. Sadly they are bad for packaging. Write and tell them. Waitrose is owned by staff in the John Lewis Partnership and has some kind of deal with the workers whereby they share some of the profits….



A quick overview of some of the plastic free / reduced stuff you can get in Morrisons Supermarket, Huddersfield. A pretty good selection of fruit and veg and a good butchers and fish counter where they sell unwrapped cuts. Take your own cornstarch compostable bags because they only have plastic. Most unusually for any supermarket…



Tricky but not impossible. Did you know they did loose pistachios in Lidles? At least they did last time I looked. Surprisingly,  Lidles have quite a few good plastic free options. You can read about them HERE You can get loose chestnuts in Tescos at Christmas time. The Nut Shop Leeds Market also offers a…



Obviously I don’t ever buy those stupid  little  plastic wrapped packs of tissues. I use  reusable handkerchiefs or, if desperate, toilet roll. Butthere are times when a box of tissues come in handy …and then there are problems. Buy what you think is a cardboard box of paper tissues and  you may well find, once you rip open…


Biscuits homemade Christmas Tree Decorations

While in Spain I visited Lidles and I came across a set of festive biscuit cutters in a cardboard box.  They might have them in the UK. If not I have sourced some on Amazon for you but I can’t answer for the packaging! Plastic-Free Biscuits 100g/3½oz unsalted plastic-free butter  100g/3½oz caster sugar in a paper bag 1 free-range egg…


Snact in compostable packaging

Snacks… so good when trekking, so hard to source plastic free. The best we have is loose nuts as sold at Lidles,  Until now! Take a look at Snact. Fighting food waste and plastic pollution and making some fine tasty vegan goodness while they are at it. They “make snacks from surplus produce. That’s produce…