It is hard to find plastic free seeds. They are usually sold in waterproof plastic lined foil or plastic lined paper sachets. It’s not much but it is there. If you want to be a real purist you can try these.
Plastic free heritage seed
But if you do want a whole packet here are some seeds that are plastic free AND you can harvest the seed to use over and over again. As I’m sure you know many hybrid seeds are good for one year only – you can read more about that here. Not these

Vital Seeds
“As all of our seeds are open-pollinated you can save your own seed from them year after year.”
And more
- Organic seeds: vegetables, herbs and flowers
- Plastic-free and compostable packaging
- Free delivery on orders over £35
- Open-pollinated varieties
- Based in Devon
- Absolutely no GMOs
- Proud members of the Open Source Seed Initiative
see the range here

More Seeds Here
“Here at The Heritage Organic Seed Company sustainability is at the heart of what we do and it is so important to us to offer our products in eco friendly, plastic free packaging.
Our seeds are lovingly hand packed in manilla seed envelopes which, along with our mailing envelopes are made from recycled materials and can be recycled or composted after use.
You may find some of your seed packets also contain glassine envelopes, we use those for our tiniest seeds to help you to handle them more easily but these are also completely biodegradable
see the range here.
These look interesting. For when you don’t need a whole packet of seeds but dont want any more plastic seed trays . The tomato mix for example consists of 12 X SEEDCELL PODS biodegradable, plastic free seed pods. (4 varieties) that you pop into your reusable plant pot.
See the full range here –
“Where possible we will ensure all products across the entire range are waste free, biodegradable and compostable, using as little plastic as possible. Grow Sow Simple™ only use plastic when necessary and even when we must use plastic, we ensure it is fully recyclable, we focus our design to encourage the reuse of any plastic products and the safe and proper disposal after use.”
Seeds In Tins
You can get seeds in tins though the tins will almost certainly be lined with epoxy resin.

Wildflower Seed Grenades
“Flower Grenades throw a seed bomb for an explosion of flowers in derelict places
Take action in the green revolution and throw one of these fun Flower Grenades. Each ‘grenade’ is an air-dried clay shell containing a selection of wild flower seeds, and soil to get them started.”
Got to love that idea. Get them here
Or make your own! Instructions here
You can harvest your own seed. You can find out more here.
The Plastic Free Garden
You can find other plastic free garden products here.
lines changes, products get removed. For more information why not ask the Plastic Is Rubbish FB group for updates. They are a great source of tidbits, personal experience and the latest news. Why not join them and share the plastic free love x