
It doesn’t matter how well you write, sometimes, just sometimes, you need a bloody good graphic to get the case across…..

and there is some fantastic work out there on the internet.

Here are just some of the great campaigns we have featured. To  see more visit our fantastic anti-plastic infographic  gallery

Decided to give up plastic? Need some nice anti-plastic posters and imagery to illustrate your new lifestyle choice? Course you do so check out this For more infographics….  Pinterest  and lots of fantastic artwork by extremely talented people. have nothing to loose but your chainstores hahahahahahhhahhaaa


Check out this fantastic bit of art work. Sadly I don’t know who did it but we can thank Danielle for passing it on. Do check out her fantastic good works over at her blog it starts with me

water waste

Do you know people still drinking bottled water? Show them this… click the image to check out the organisation behind this image. You will be glad you did.


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