Want to contribute to the blog? We would love to feature you. There are a number of ways we can do this. You can writ about your:
plasticfree initiative/ business :
Write about your plastic free town:
Review a product:
Contribute to the database
Note is for UK relavant projects and products only.
Guest Posts & Reviews
We always love product reviews but insist that you have actually used the product. Reviews must include at least 1 place for UK residents to buy it can be online, it can be in Sweden as long as they post to the UK.
Please comment on how it was packaged.
Do check to see if your product has already been featured
Tell us about how you shop plasticfree in your town – Where you go and which shops. Do look to see if your town has already been featured.
Or something else.
We are currently looking for input on
The plastic free baby
Waste free kids
Real nappies,
compostable nappies
Plasticfree pets
Please email and ask us for an updated list of topics. Or perhaps suggest something we might be interested in.

Wrapping & Packaging
If you are writing about a product please do try to write about the packaging too. Plastic free and plastic reduced products are of course a great step forward in the battle against plastic. However a lot of people buying products also want to know how the product is packaged. Many feel there is little point buying a wooden comb if it comes in a plastic bag. So it is important to say how the product will be wrapped.
If it comes via an online, postal service, onward packaging needs to be clarified. You should say how the product will be packed and the more information the better. Include what kind of tape is used (whether it is plastic or not) and whether the invoice will be in a plastic bag on the front of the box. People appreciate it.
Post Format
This is very important. Sadly I do not have time to edit the documents.
If you want your links to link to an external site when pressed your submission must be supplied in an HTML format like this
There are <a href=”http://plasticisrubbish.com/” target=”_blank”>some useful links here ….</a>
If not they must be as a proper address that can be cut and pasted i.e.www.plasticisrubbish.com
Same goes the pictures. The code must included within the body of the text and should look like this.
<a href=”http://plasticisrubbish.com/2016/07/02/july/img_7309/#main” rel=”attachment wp-att-35794″><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-35794″ src=”http://plasticisrubbish.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/IMG_7309-e1499841539491.jpg” alt=”” width=”780″ height=”300″ /></a>
One way to do this is post the post on your own blog or website, add the links and pictures and format as you would normally would. This way you can also test them. You can then a copy of the post in text format with the links code showing.
Post Headers
The blog demand that I have a post header. So you need to attach a separate picture which I can download. This must be a jpeg, copyright free and no bigger than 40KB.
StrongerUpdating & Adding To Posts
I always wanted the blog to be a resource where numerous people could Collaborate on producing the bestest ever data base of plastic free resources for UK plastivists.
So if you want to contribute and I hope you do, please do this.
It’s not perfect but here’s how it works: find a plastic free product i.e. Pasta, search the database or A to Z index to see if there is already an entry for that product. If so, add the details in the comments for that post. You should be able to do this quite easily via any of your social media accounts.
If you have a post on the subject on your own blog please leave a link to your own post again in the comments section.
WHAT! NO POST? if you cannot find a post about pasta for example, tell me and I will set one up.
Sharing Is caring
And with your contributions, posts can stay up to date and we can all benefit from each other’s expertise.
Read more about adding info HERE