
Back home from the tropics and I desperately needed some new clothes. So I have been busy sewing. First off the production line is an enormous bell shaped skirt in black bombazine. I’m not sure it is bombazine but it looks as though it should be. Besides which I like the word.

The fabric is a heavy silk / wool mix. This is not so much clothing as architecture. It was made in Yorkshire. I bought it from Jacks, a small stall on  Leeds Kirkgate Market. Right at the back in the new part.They sell end of line remnants of Yorkshire made wooden fabric.  For very reasonable amounts. Anything from £5.00 to £12.00 a meter.

Bargain! Not only am I supporting a local fabric shop but this fabric was actually made in Yorkshire. How fantastic is that?

I made it using plastic-free, sustainable sewing supplies  (you can find them here) but had to use a plastic zip.

I made the pattern up.

Sustainable Rating

  • Natural fibres
  • Homemade
  • Supporting local fabric shop
  • Made with plastic free sewing supplies

This counts as part of my fair share of global fabrics – a self imposed rationing system. You can read about it here #

And  can see what else I have made, here



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