
Once again I am proud to be a zero waste ambassador. Here are some quick zero waste week facts!

  • Zero waste week is organized by Rae Strauss
  • It has been going for 8 years now.
  • This year runs from 7th – 13th September.
  • The aim is to cut the trash going to landfill.
  • Each year there’s a theme – this year it is reuse.

Well I will be backpacking that week. Indeed I will be backpacking for the whole of September and the months either side. Which could be tricky Not much room for reusables in a backpack, street food comes in one-use disposables and of course theres the language barrier. It’s difficult enough asking them you reuse your plastic tub in Tescos, how am I going to manage in Mandarin? Follow me to find out….

My Zero Waste Week

Each day, for 7 days, we will feature a tip to help you eat, drink and – ermmm – excrete in the most sustainable and rubbish free- way, backpacking kind of way. Each post will appear below on our advent calendar of trash free tips. Bookmark this post and keep checking back

The Others 

Of course its not just me  doing it- there are loads of ambassadors doing all kinds of stuff. You can find them herded together in one easy to access place and listen to them wittering – sorry twittering – on on the twitter hashtag #zerowasteweek

If you want to join in you can make a pledge here on the zero waste website. If you decide to blog about it you can decorate your blog or  post with various buttons, if you don’t you can print off posters for your living walls (easy tiger!) with these links posters and pdfs

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