So proud to be a partner in the Waste Less Live More Week and be up there with some real waste heroes Check out the list. The week runs from the 22 – 28 September 2014 and has in the years past had a theme.

This great campaign has been organized by Keep Britain Tidy but it goes further than suggesting you put your rubbish in the bin. No, it posits that mindlessly consuming vast and often needless amounts of stuff is not just a reckless squandering of precious finite resources that results in huge amounts of problematic, difficult to dispose of trash…. but it doesn’t even make us happy.

Blimey! Well said you!

2016 and online celebration of local shops 

2015 and I was being resourceful organising a online litter pick.

2014  we had to make it, borrow it value it and so on – see how my week went.

Press Release

Waste less, Live more Week  is Keep Britain Tidy’s annual awareness week which  brings together partner and supporter organisations who together host a week of events and activities around a theme

Plastic is Rubbish is joins up with  charities, businesses and organisations to support this year’s Keep Britain Tidy resource initiative, Waste Less, Live More Week, to inspire new, creative and inventive ways to live better, within our environmental limits.

Keep Britain Tidy is a leading environmental charity. We inspire people to be litter-free, to waste less and to live more. We are run programmes including Eco-Schools, the Green Flag Award for parks and green spaces and the Blue Flag/ Seaside Awards for beaches. To find out more about Keep Britain Tidy, our programmes and campaigns visit

Press enquiries
Contact the Keep Britain Tidy press office:
Helen Bingham 01942 612617/07918 631682
Keep Britain Tidy Mobile (24 hours, 7 days a week): 07768 880016

Keep Britain Tidy has ISDN radio facilities for interviews
ISDN: 01942 322178
Please contact the press office in advance to make arrangements


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